Spelling Word List 15
Week of January 13th
be 6. she
he 7. three
live 8. tree
me 9. we
see 10. work
Sight Word List 15
Week of January 13th
1. Tuesday - Gym (please wear gym uniform every Tuesday)
2. Wednesday - Art
3. Thursday - Music
All boys should be in school shoes. Black Nike, Under Armor, New Balance etc. are sneakers that can be worn on gym days. Any questions or concerns please see Mr. Cocozello or Mrs. Mincher.
*** It is suggested to practice these and the old sight word lists weekly to keep the fluency of the words. Surprise fluency quizzes will be given throughout the year!
*****FYI Homework folder will always have the sheets needed for homework in it. It is usually their green dot folder. This is the folder that should contain any notes/money/worksheets needed to be sent to school. This is the only one I check in the morning. I communicate with parents through this folder.
Classwork folder - will contain the sheets that we completed in class. This can be cleaned our daily and papers from this folder can be left at home.
The class codes for special subjects are as follows:
Google Classroom: nyfm7z3
Zearn Class Code: BN6N3K