Welcome to class 2-2,
I’m so happy to share this VERY special year with you. I feel both blessed and privileged to teach you all of the amazing academic skills you’ll acquire this year, and prepare you to receive two BEAUTIFUL gifts from GOD. The Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist are something that I am so grateful to help bring into your lives and hearts. TOGETHER, we will grow in love, knowledge, and friendship with our loving friend and savior Jesus as our guide!
Mrs. Janice-Marie Joerger
Your Child attends a Catholic school Monday through Friday. Please see that you help them fulfill their Sunday obligation to attend Mass.
Specials Schedule-
* Tuesday- Music
* Wednesday- Art
* Wednesday- Please bring a healthy SNACK and water
* Thursday- Gym uniform
***Our school's doors open at 7:35 AM and class begins at 7:50 AM. Please be mindful of arrival time. It truly sets the tone for your child's day.
*** A reminder that all boys should be in school shoes. Black Nike, Under Armor, New Balance etc. are sneakers that can be worn on gym days. Any questions or concerns please see Mr. Cocozello or Mrs. Mincher.
Mass Full Dress Uniform:
Girls: Jumper with blouse
Boys: Slacks, white dress shirt, tie, vest
Spring/Summer: White dress shirt, Dress walking Shorts/slacks, tie
*** The 2nd grade is dismissed through the parking lot on Greenleaf Avenue at 12:30 pm on Wednesday and 2:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. Please let your child's teacher see that you are there so that your child can be released safely.
Religion- Test Thursday-See review in Google Classroom
Social Studies- National Symbols sheet due by Thursday—be sure to READ THE DIRECTIONS (that were also discussed in class) carefully—draw using crayons and label clearly—work neatly—test grade
Math- Lesson 21—We will do HW in class—Fri -YEAH!!!!!
Reading- Vocabulary Test Friday- See review in Google Classroom (You will be writing 3 of your own sentences on the test also.)
*******Please bring in TWO boxes of TISSUES
*****SUBMIT important Communion information sheet & fee by February 5th (see letter sent home yesterday)*Submit 1st Communion Form & Fee by due date 2/5
*Pizza day Friday--$ due by WednesdayReligion- Test Thursday-See review in Google Classroom
Social Studies- National Symbols sheet due by Thursday(assigned on Friday 1/10)—be sure to READ THE DIRECTIONS (that were also discussed in class) carefully—draw using crayons and label clearly—work neatly—test grade
Math- Lesson 22 pg. 95-96 (red)
Reading- Vocabulary Test Friday- See review in Google Classroom (You will be writing 3 of your own sentences on the test also.)
Grammar- worksheet
*Healthy Snack & Water tomorrow
*Submit 1st Communion Form & Fee by due date 2/5
*Pizza day Friday--$ due by WednesdayReligion- Test Thursday-See review in Google Classroom
Social Studies- National Symbols sheet due by Thursday(assigned 1/10)—be sure to READ THE DIRECTIONS (that were also discussed in class) carefully—draw using crayons and label clearly—work neatly—test grade
Math- Lesson 25 pg. 107-108 (red)
Reading- Vocabulary Test Friday- See review in Google Classroom (You will be writing 3 of your own sentences on the test also.)
Grammar- worksheet
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
*Gym Uniform Tomorrow
*Submit 1st Communion Form & Fee by due date 2/5
*Be Mindful of due dates for upcoming Catholic School Week activities & assignmentsReligion- Test Thursday-See review in Google Classroom
Social Studies- National Symbols sheet due by TOMORROW(assigned 1/10)—be sure to READ THE DIRECTIONS (that were also discussed in class)
carefully—draw using crayons and label clearly—work neatly—test grade
Math- Lesson 26 pg. 111-112 (no chart)
Reading- Vocabulary Test Friday- See review in Google Classroom (You will be writing 3 of your own sentences on the test also.) AND complete worksheet….Mark text on big book to prove your answers
Science- Worksheet
Thursday, January 16,2025
*Submit 1st Communion Form & Fee by due date 2/5
*Paid Dress Down tomorrow "School Spirit Themed"Math- Lesson 27 pg. 115-116 (no chart)
Reading- Vocabulary Test TOMORROW- See review in Google Classroom (You will be writing 3 of your own sentences on the test also.)
Grammar- Adjective Quiz on Thursday—see notebook for format
Friday, January 17,2025(Pizza Day)
*Attend Mass Saturday night or Sunday–respond, sit,stand & kneel Reverently
*No School Monday–Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
*Submit 1st Communion Form & Fee by due date 2/5
*Be Mindful of due dates for upcoming Catholic School Week activities & assignments1.Grammar- Adjective Quiz on Thursday—see notebook for format
2. Math- Lesson 28 —We will do HW in class—Fri -YEAH!!!!!
May 10 , 2025 9:00 AM Mass
Save the DateS
Who: 1 parent to participate and any other family member ( no siblings in other BSS grades) who wish to attend Mass.
What: Promise Ceremony
Date: Wednesday,February 5,2025
Time: 9:00 A.M. Mass
Place: Blessed Sacrament Church
Who: 1 parent
Date: Friday, May 16, 2025
Time: 9:15-11:00
Who: 1 parent (or special someone) will participate in this spiritual bonding experience
Place: Blessed Sacrament School
*More information on all special celebrations to follow.
Thank You,
Mrs. Ceci & Mrs. Joerger