I'm so excited to share and explore this school year with you. There will be many new things that you will experience this year. You may be faced with some challenges, but always remember that we can and will work through it together! Salute to you, your families and all WE WILL achieve this year!!
xo, Mrs. Martin
***All important information, reminders, assignments, and test schedules will be posted in google classroom daily.***
When signing in to google classroom, please use your BSS email to access.
Google Classroom Codes:
5-1 SS - mdc35h4 5-2 SS - 3q6tjyl
6-1 SS - 23srn2i 6-2 SS - bzk3joq 6-1 Rel/HR - m2r7m7n 6-1 Music - zfbxzea
**All students MUST have their correct login information for their Blessed Sacrament accounts to access Google Classroom. ***
- Click on the Assignment - Click “Add or Create” in top right corner - Click “Google Drive” - Choose the assignment (which you will have typed on Google Docs) - Click “Add” - Click “Turn In”
(*You must be signed in to your BSS account from home to access your Google Drive and Google Classroom
YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN: - Silent reader - Puzzlebook/crossword - At least 2 pens, 2 SHARPENED pencils & highlighter
-When you finish your work you are reading, working on a puzzle/journaling, work for another class or studying for an upcoming test.
- Please check your child's folder for any information sent home. - When your child is absent from school, please send in an absent note with him/her when he/she returns. - EVERY CHILD should have a BOOK to read, when they are finished with work. In addition, puzzle books, word searches and comic books are allowed. - Please note that our school doors open at 7:35 AM. Students are late if they arrive after 7:50 AM. Our day begins on time. As per our Student Handbook: 3+ latenesses result in the drop of a student's conduct grade by 1 letter.