Our Weekly Class Quote:
Homework for the week of 2/10/2025- 2/14/2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
1. Spelling- Write words 1-6 3 times each-------------------------------------------------------------
Test and Quiz Schedule:
Religion vocabulary-
Chapter 15-
- Religion notes (photo-copied) in their orange notebook
- Quick Check Questions go with each daily lesson in their orange notebook
- Vocabulary words are written in their orange notebook.We read up to chapter 16. Once we complete the book, we will watch the movie and compare the book to the movie. For this book, we will eat lots of candy during the movie! I put each chapter on Google Classroom if you miss any chapters.
This school year, we will read books outside our new Savvas classroom reading program. Please don't send the books until we begin reading each book. The following books will be read during the school year:
1. Freckle Juice- by Judy Blume (October)- We finished reading!
2. Charlotte's Web by E.B. White (Nov./Dec.)- We finished reading!
3. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory- by Roald Dahl (Jan./Feb.)- Reading Now!
4. Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (March/April)
5. The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling (May)
6. Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing by Judy Blume (June)
Chapter 4- Changing Environments
Lesson 1 - How Can Environments Change?
1. Drought - a long period of dry weather
2. Lakes and rivers might dry up if there is a drought.
3. Animals leave their habitats after a forest fire because the fire destroys much of their food and the trees and plants that are used for shelter.
4. Predators might leave if the fire reduces the populations of prey.
5. A forest may look very different when it grows back after a fire but it will contain many of the same organisms.
Chapter 4, Lesson 2-
How Do Changes Affect Living Things?
1. Endangered Organism - a kind of living thing of which very few exist and that someday might not be found on the earth
2. Extinct Organism - a kind of living thing that is no longer found on earth
3. Fossil - the hardened parts or marks left by an animal or plant that lived long ago
4. Any kind of organism can become endangered.
5. The giant panda is an organism that is not extinct.
6. Animals can become endangered by changes in the environment, being hunted by man and other animals eating their food.
7. A dinosaur left a footprint in the mud. The mud turned to stone creating a fossil.
Homework for the week of 2/2/2025- 2/7/2025
Our Weekly Class Quote:
"It takes more strength to remain silent than it does to speak."------------------------------------------------
Homework for the week of 1/27/2025- 1/31/2025
Our Weekly Class Quote:
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Mass on Sunday 1/26 at 11:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart to kick off Catholic Schools Week! Wear your BSS uniform if you go! This mass is not mandatory.
Monday, January 27, 2025
1. Spelling- Write words 1-6 3 times eachClassroom News:
5. Tomorrow is Literacy Day! Students are asked to donate gently used books as part of a Book Swap.
Homework for the week of 1/20/2025- 1/24/2025
Our Weekly Class Quote:
Monday, January 20, 2025
Homework for the week of 1/13/2025- 1/17/2025
Our Weekly Class Quote:
Monday, January 13, 2025